Google is changing it’s search algorithms again, and this time, it’s webmasters who may be forced to pay the price. This is not the first time Google has changed it’s algorithm, but the new update, referred to internally as “Penguin 2.0”, is one of the most drastic and sweeping changes yet. While Google claims that the changes are intended to give users more diverse and accurate search results, some are claiming another purpose. It appears that the new algorithms may have the intentional or unintentional effect of putting traditional SEO efforts on the back burner, forcing many companies to consider a PPC campaign in order to get the hits that they need and are now going to be denied. Both the reasons for this and the motivations behind it are fairly straightforward.
Google’s algorithms that rank where a website will appear in its search rankings are complex and involved, but they can be easily summed up. Basically, a website ranks better based on a few key factors. These include the number of hits the website gets, the number of links other reputable and well ranking websites hav